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Datum: 29-05-2020
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Если нужна кожаная сумка, купить её не составит труда. Слева есть блок критериев, которые помогут вам выбрать аксессуар. Вам всего лишь необходимо задать тип, материал и цвет изделия, а система в свою очередь предложит вам подходящие варианты. Также, не забудьте указать пол. Если вы точно знаете, чего хотите - вы можете воспользоваться поиском. Все, что от вас требуется - ввести ключевые слова, которые характеризуют конкретный вариант. Например, купит топ качество сумки или Хочу купить сумку.
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Datum: 23-05-2020
Onderwerp: ??????
Dozens killed in new zealands darkest day
At least 19 killed, 22 injured when car hit landslide in Santa Susana
Rescuers: All rescued as rescue helicopter arrives
Two more dead in a landslide in Santa Susana
Rescuers try to reach victims who were buried in rubble
More than 50 people have died in landslides that have killed or injured over 100 across Spain and neighboring Portugal
At least 19 people, at least 19 and at least 23 injured in a massive landslide in Santa Susana state, Spain's Interior Ministry said Tuesday.
Rescue crews had to rescue dozens of people, mostly children from an area near the Santa Susana city wall, state broadcaster Cadena SER reported.
The number of fatalities was 19 and the total injured was at least 23, the minister said.
The landslide struck at 11:30 a.m. (1930 GMT Monday), said the minister, Francisco González Gómez. The death toll would climb, as rescuers searched for those buried in the mud.
"For me, this is like the death of millions," he said.
The site is a village where most people come to collect firewood. More than 200 homes were destroyed.
An area of 5,000 square kilometers (2,200 square miles) was swept away at a rate of up to 11 cm (3 inches) per second by the slide, the minister said. The impact of the wall was felt as far away as the capital Madrid, his report said.
More than 70,000 people were at risk in the disaster zone, according to the ministry.
Authorities also said that some roads had been blocked off by debris and downed trees, including palm trees, which have since fallen on residents.
It was not immediately clear whether or not other people may be among the dead and injured.
There are now at least seven fatalities, with at least two more injured, according to the official death toll. At least 18 people were buried in the landslide, but authorities said they had not yet figured out exactly what they were.
The state's transport minister, Isacchi GarcÃa-GarcÃa, said that at least 10 people needed help on the second floor of a house in the village. The injured could not get to the roof because they had fallen from above or because the roof was partially covered, GarcÃa-GarcÃa said.
It is unclear who owned the homes or why they had become affected.
In total, 13 deaths and 17 injuries have been recorded on the island of Santa Susana since Wednesday morning. There are around 4.7 million people in the island, which lies in the southwestern Spanish region of Extremadur
Coalition ministers brush off tony abbott attack on turnbull
The PM has never really been shy in his criticism of Rudd over what he says is his personal failings as prime minister - but that does not mean that this particular attack of the treasurer will bring her a good welcome in Victoria.
The attacks have put Rudd on the defensive and his ministers have responded. One has described his comments as "silly" and "out of touch" while the other has claimed the attacks are "savagely racist" and a way for him to "drive home the point that he was not part of the solution" for Labor.
While his comments appear to suggest that the government is in the habit of hitting back at others, this was not necessarily the case. Rudd was once a Labor leader who campaigned with the Labor Party against the carbon tax in 2013, claiming that it would destroy jobs and drive down wages and pay. The government's response to that tax was to raise almost $60 billion more in carbon taxes and royalties than they would have had they not raised it.
But this is a reference to the economic impacts of the policy, not to its cost.
As a result of the carbon tax, Australia is now spending almost $70 billion a year on environmental and health costs. As Labor states at its press conference at its national headquarters today, the costs from the carbon tax have been almost eliminated and Australia is on track to meet the global target for climate protection by cutting emissions by 40 per cent by 2020.
"The economy is doing okay", says Julia Gillard, "so people don't really want to debate things like this".
That's a sentiment echoed by one member of the Coalition team. While the government's recent review of its climate policies seems to acknowledge that it should have raised its target for cutting emissions, it seems to be working very quickly on reducing the budget deficit rather than tackling the immediate climate problem. Rudd says the "punch-in" at the start of the review of the coalition's climate policies means that it must now be able to "show in other areas of the budget where we've got a real opportunity to reduce this deficit".
It is the only possible approach to the climate budget a
Datum: 21-05-2020
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Datum: 20-05-2020
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Datum: 20-05-2020
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Datum: 16-05-2020
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Datum: 12-05-2020
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